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Jet pattern phenomenon and solution in product injection mold factory

08 Jan, 2025 10:15am

First of all, as a product injection mold factory, we should understand every phenomenon or process link in the injection mold processing process, so that we can respond to various problems that may arise at any time, and have a way to deal with them to improve the efficiency of injection molding. Then, many of us don’t know what jet lines are. The following editor of Dayin Plastic will tell you about the phenomenon principle.
1. What is injection molding jet line
Jet line refers to the bending trace formed along the flow direction of the plastic starting from the gate, and the shape is similar to serpentine.
2. Causes of jet lines
In the injection molding process, the generation of jet lines is mainly caused by the excessive injection speed of the resin at the gate.
3. Solutions for jet lines
For the jet lines that appear in injection molding, the injection molding personnel can take the following measures: expand the cross section of the gate or reduce the injection speed. In addition, increasing the mold temperature can also effectively slow down the cooling rate of the resin in contact with the cavity surface, thereby preventing the formation of a surface hardening layer in the early stage of filling, which has a positive effect on improving the molding quality.

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